Why Do Jowls Form and How to Treat Them?

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2024

Are you noticing the subtle signs of aging around your jawline? Perhaps you've started to notice the emergence of jowls, those pesky sagging skin folds that can contribute to a tired or aged appearance. Fortunately, advancements in aesthetic medicine offer innovative solutions to address this concern without the need for invasive surgery. One such solution gaining popularity is jowl treatment with dermal fillers—a non-surgical approach to rejuvenating and defining the jawline for a more youthful and refreshed look. 

What causes jowling? 

Before diving into the details of treatment for jowls, let's first understand what causes these bothersome facial features. Jowls typically develop due to a combination of factors, including age-related collagen loss, gravitational effects, and changes in facial fat distribution. As collagen and elastin fibers diminish with age, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, leading to sagging and drooping along the jawline. Additionally, gravitational forces and shifts in facial fat pads can exacerbate the appearance of jowls, resulting in a less defined and contoured jawline.

Jowls are primarily caused by a combination of factors, including:

  • Soft Tissue Atrophy: Starting in our mid 20s, collagen production begins to decrease at a rate of 1% per year. Studies show that women can lose up to 30% of their skin collagen in the first five years after menopause, with a steady decline of 2% per year following that period. As our skin loses collagen and elastin, the downward pull of gravity causes the drooping of the skin, particularly around the jawline.
  • Facial Fat Redistribution: Dehiscence of the mandibular septum can cause the inferior and superior jowl fat pads to descend and shift downwards.  
  • Skeletal Changes: Age related bone resorption causes changes in the mandible leading to the formation and deepening of the prejowl sulcus and creation of a hypoplastic mentum. Age induced skeletal changes in the mandible include an increased mandible angle leading to loss of jawline contour.

Muscle and Ligament Atrophy: Ligamentous attachments from bone to soft tissue tether the overlying soft tissue and drags down the soft tissue anatomy with aging. The jowl deformity occurs due to the loose adherence of the platysma to the mandible at the mandibular ligament, which is seen posterior to the labio-mandibular sulcus. 

While jowls may be a natural part of the aging process, several treatment options can help minimize their appearance and restore a more youthful contour to the jawline. A good skincare regimen that includes retinoids, antioxidants, and peptides can improve skin elasticity and firmness. Other facial treatments aim to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin including radiofrequency microneedling, ultrasound therapy, and more! Dermal fillers such as hyaluronic acid-based fillers, can be strategically placed along the jawline to add volume and support, reducing the appearance of jowls and providing a lifting effect.

The Role of Dermal Fillers in Jowl Treatment

Dermal fillers, composed of hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, or poly-L-lactic acid offer a versatile solution for addressing jowls and restoring facial harmony. When strategically injected along the jawline and chin, dermal fillers can:

  • Pan Facial Lifting Effects: Studies show that dermal filler injected into the temporal region, known as temporal vertical vectoring, can create pan facial lifting effects reducing the appearance of jawlines. Treatment of the upper face and midface is paramount before tackling the lower face, as temporal and cheek filler can lift the jawline depending on the plane of injection.
  • Restore Volume and Definition: By replenishing lost volume in the prejowl sulcus and providing structural support, dermal fillers can lift and contour the jawline, minimizing the appearance of jowls and restoring a more youthful profile. 
  • Stimulate Collagen Production: Some advanced dermal filler formulations contain ingredients that stimulate collagen production within the skin. Over time, this collagen-boosting effect can contribute to improved skin quality and long-lasting results.

Jowl treatment with dermal fillers offers a safe, effective, and minimally invasive solution for rejuvenating and defining the jawline. Say goodbye to sagging jowls and hello to a revitalized jawline with dermal filler treatment!  Remember, age is just a number, and with the right approach, you can age gracefully and confidently.



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